in the immediate aftermath of the foreign settlement ' s establishment , the troops known as the ' naniwatai ' (osaka group ) and the ' torishimari bansotsu ' (supervisory guardsmen ), who later became sections of the osaka metropolitan police department , carried out security and police duties in the settlement . 居留地設置直後は、後に大阪府警察部の警察官となる「浪華隊」や「取締番卒」が居留地の警備を行っていた。
despite losing popularity for a second time following the dissolution of the bakufu (the tokugawa shogunate ) that was brought about by the meiji restoration and for a third time following the outbreak of world war ii and its immediate aftermath , yabusame experienced a revival after the end of the war and remains popular to this day . 明治維新を経て幕府解体、また第二次世界大戦と以後の煽りを受けるなど三度の衰退を見るが戦後に復興、現在に至る。